
A team devoted to turning data and AI products into reliable digital solutions.

Data Scientists

For cutting-edge ML solutions.

Data & Machine Learning Engineers

For rock-solid data and ML pipelines.

Software Developers & SRE Engineers

For reliable system deployments and operations.

Domain Experts

Such as life scientists, IT architects, DevOps consultants, and education professionals to accomodate various needs.

Our versatile team members cover all stages that make up successful data and AI initiatives.

As part of the Swiss Digital Network, we are experienced in developing and managing highly reliable software and infrastructure projects. This expertise is augmented by data and ML experts who support you in developing based on your needs and executing based on your strategy.

Meet the core team

Our people and dedication help to build and run your data and AI projects.

Matthias Mau

Matthias Mau

Managing Consultant
(Co-Founder & CEO)
Sam Ruprechter

Samuel Rupprechter, PhD

Solutions Architect

Xenia Ioannidou

Xenia Ioannidou

Data & ML Engineer

Ruedi Moll

Ruedi Moll

Director of Business Development
László Csunderlik

László Csunderlik

Data & MLOps Engineer

Makram Hanin

Makram Hanin

Senior Advisor & SDN Partner

Stephanie Liebing

Stéphanie Liebing

Marketing & Community Manager

Sammer Puran

Sammer Puran

Lead AI & MLOps Engineer

Julien Bouix

Julien Bouix

Data & AI Engineer

Alvin Veliyath

Alvin Veliyath

AI & MLOps Engineer

The team consists of the core team above as well as further digitalization and innovation experts from the Swiss Digital Network, including strategy consultants, innovation advisors, data engineers, data scientists, digital architects, DevOps and Site Reliability Engineers, workshop trainers, and academic professionals.